Unparalleled option trades.

9/18/2013 Morning Blog

Markets will be very quiet till 2:15pm et when the Fed tapering announcement should be forth coming. AAPL looks to finally be rising this morning, Morgan Stanley saying they expect 28% increase in IPhone sales this quarter as reported by Fortune magazine. The new IOS7 operating system is available with stellar reviews as well as stellar reviews for the IPhone 5S. We need to close over 469 today before we get interested in buying. If we fail the 50day EMA will cross back down through the 200day EMA for what is called a “Death Cross”.

Today I would like to talk a bit about Auto Trading. We have had numerous questions concerning this area. We do have an auto trade company that knows all of our services inside and out, Autoshares.com. Mark Wesley is our contact at their office and he can be reached at 1-800-847-8495.  Those traders that have problems getting their orders off in a timely manner or just don’t understand options should consider this service. The main reason is they get our plays as soon as they come out and act on those trades immediately which is very important in some cases. They will set the parameters per your request. Your expectations should be in the modest range of 25-50%, I can’t stress that area enough. I know you’re going to leave money on the table but you are also going to be safe with the money back in your account. The 25-50% range is the sweet spot for the Core and Special Plays, Onedaywonderoptions.com sweet spot is 50-100%. The past 5 months the Auto traders that have me set their limit orders have enjoyed 25% or more on every Core trade over that period. I am not compensated in any way from auto trade.