Unparalleled option trades.

Morning Blog

This week was one of those rare weeks for our Core Strategy where we bought puts instead of our normal calls. We put out 6 Core plays and by the end of the first day we had 6 solid winners for an average gain of 49%. Friday afternoon we put out a long term call play on the September AAPL 465 calls which is now up over 220% in two days. Several reason I bring this up, not to toot my own horn but to stress the fact of customers should expect gains in the 25-50% range, that is a target or an exit signal, however you look at it.

Now on to my second point, comments and feedback. This year we have put out 60 Core plays, 51 were winners and 60 Special Plays of which 48 were winners, this is unprecedented in this industry. But I sit here day in and day out searching for the best trades for our customers answering incoming email and phone calls and we receive very minimal feedback. Our customer base continues to grow but I feel like I am sending these plays out to the wind. Moving on

Lastly, we will be putting a survey out to all our customers this week please take the 2 minutes to answer the questions so that we can continue to provide you with the best service available anywhere.