AMZN earning thoughts

Posted at: Jul 29th - 11:23 AM

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Just speculation on my part. I believe that AMZN will announce a stock split tonight after the close. Last stock split for the company was Sept 02 1999. This week's AMZN 3620 Calls are $60 with one day to expire. It is your call but I prefer to be in the actual stock. My best guess tells me they want to be added to the DOW 30 stocks and to do that they have to get their stock price lower so it must be at least a 10-1 split. Lastly there is a new CEO in place now so he may want to start his own legacy.

As my longtime customers know I do not like to gamble on earnings because it really is a crap-shoot. Amazon could be the spark to kick off a huge Nasdaq rally into September. I will be in this trade, please use your own discretion it will be interesting.

On a total separate note our has a sale ending at the end of the month, if any of you are interested in trading options on expiration day for very minimal premium, this site may be for you.



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