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78% Winning HistoryIn over 20 years of options trading.Try Risk Free20+ Years of TradingProven success in every market.Try Risk Free81% Average ReturnConsistent track record.Try Risk Free Previous slide Next slide Recent Trades Options Trading That Works 80% Average Return 75% Winning History 20+ Years of Trading two profitable Option Trading Strategies

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July 2024 Monthly Trade Analysis

key stats July has earned a top position as one of our best months of the year. It has our highest average return and the second best winning history since we began recording the results over 20 years ago. 210 total trades 187 total wins 89% win history 132% avg. return month vs. overall strategy […]

June 2024 Monthly Trade Analysis

key stats April has traditionally been an absolutely stellar month for the strategy overall with very impressive KPIs. At better than 4 out of 5 winners and a triple digit average return over the years, this is a month you will want to trade. 170 total trades 152 total wins 89% win history 110% avg. […]

May 2024 Monthly Trade Analysis

key stats April has traditionally been an absolutely stellar month for the strategy overall with very impressive KPIs. At better than 4 out of 5 winners and a triple digit average return over the years, this is a month you will want to trade. 177 total trades 150 total wins 85% win history 110% avg. […]


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One Day Wonder Options

Our other service, One Day Wonder Options focuses on weekly option picks only. Get up to 3 weekly option plays every Friday. Make up to triple digit returns and mitigate risk with small allotments.